American Window Cleaner Magazine

The INDEPENDENT Voice of the Professional Window Cleaner


Welcome to the AWC Podcast!

Father & Daughter Business

We talk with Craig Henzel and Grace Gerengher. We discuss multigenerational businesses and how to blend the old way with the new way of doing business!

Local SEO and Paid Traffic

Are you able to target your online marketing to potential clients? Or are you spending money getting attention from people outside of your market? Check out our latest discussion!

Are Trade Associations Needed?

Jersey Josh and Mike Draper discuss trade associations, how they evolved, why they’re becoming more relevant, and much more. What are your thoughts?

Meet Carrie Guenther

Carrie tells us about her life as a Window Cleaner and a Writer, and how she’s able to organize her work to allow her to travel abroad. 

It’s Easy, You’re an Idiot

We’re talking with Jersey Josh today! What’s easy? Who’s an idiot? What are we talking about here? Watch and let us know what you think!

Meet Phebe & Sarah Van Der Meer

We interview a cool couple in Dallas, Texas. They own a business called Dutch Shine Maintenance Services. We introduce to you Phebe and Sarah Van Der Meer!

The Importance of Email Automation

How do you stay in touch with your customers? Emails are a big favorite to advertise and keep in contact with customers. How do you standout without annoying the recipients of your emails?

Safety: The Importance of a Rescue Plan

Safety can often be overlooked but ask yourself, do you have a rescue plan? We discuss the importance of having one with Jacob Wallace in this episode.

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We are the independent voice for the professional window cleaner. The American Window Cleaner Magazine was started in 1986 and has been creating awesome content ever since!

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