If you haven’t noticed, spring cleaning is here, which is the busiest season I have ever experienced. I know every year the busy season and the slow season come and go, But we never seem to be prepared for either, even though we know when people start and stop. Making time for the family is an essential thing. I know if you love this industry, you could work all day if you wanted to. It wouldn’t bother you to fix equipment after the day is done or research the big project you have coming up. I know how hard it is to clock in and clock out, I feel like I never get to do either one, but it’s a good habit to get into. When you get home, try to forget about the job site you have going on tomorrow and try to let the phone ring.
“Being able to have family time has a lot to do with how well your company is functioning”

Credit: Dutch Touch Shop
If you have systems in place like ResponsiBid where the customer can get their quote and put themselves on the schedule, 24/7 phone answering service, great employees, great managers, and keeping up with every type of advertising to keep everyone busy. It all circles back around to how healthy your company is. Because if you are the tech, answer the phones, do the estimates and fill out the invoices. You will never have any family time.
Family time can mean time for you, your wife and the kids, you and your wife, or just you. It doesn’t have to be for a specific person. A healthy business is almost like raising a kid. Suppose you leave it alone and don’t feed it. It’s not going to make it. Sometimes you have to hire a babysitter for your kid or your business. Many people get scared when someone else is watching their business because it’s not you making all the decisions. Many people think it’s not going to be done right if it is not me doing the work. That is not always the case. If you can surround yourself with a great team and make sure everyone hired is doing something they are good at, then your company will grow, and you can step away and make time for the important people in your life.
Take a week off and spend time with your kids.
If you are an owner-operator, go ahead and take that Saturday off, go fishing, or take a week off and spend time with your kids if you own a company with multiple employees. Split the responsibility between scheduling, doing the work, closing the bids, and have those systems in place wrote down on paper so that when someone takes off, anyone can jump in and take over that position. The business needs someone to run it, but everyone in the company should have the opportunity to take off when need be. Company culture surrounds everyone and thrives off honesty; some people want to work every Saturday, some people want only to work 40 hours, know yourself and know your employees.
Working all the time is excellent, but you need a work-life balance!
I know it’s easy to say, “well ill take more time off in the winter, but if your anything like me, the wintertime is full of fixing equipment. Organize the shop, watch every youtube video on how to better your business, and read books on sales. You will not get free time unless you make time for it. I’ve always heard it said, “time flies when you’re having fun” well, owning a business or running a business can be pretty fun. It can get away from you that your kids are growing up without you even realizing, or your 10th wedding anniversary is creeping up on you, or even if you haven’t seen your parents in a few months.
Running your business is essential in your life, but don’t let it be the MOST important thing. Many people invested themselves in opening a company to have that much more freedom and flexibility to control their own lives and take off when need to be. And be the boss they always wanted to have. Put those perfect systems in place to make your business fully functional and automated to run your own business and live your life to the fullest with those closest to you.
-By Austin Grubbs