For some, leadership is an art, for some a science. For natural-born leaders, it is an art form. It just comes to them, like being a good musician or baseball player. For others, it is a science that requires study and training. They have to grow into it.
There are almost as many types of leaders as there are leaders. Some micromanagers look over everyone’s shoulder and watch their every move. Some are authoritarian, especially if they are from a military background. They expect their orders to be obeyed without question. For them, leadership is a science. Others are consensus builders. They will ask for opinions from their employees. For them, it is an art form. Some leaders are totally hands-off. They enter the shop in the morning, give instructions, and head for the golf course. Some are numbers guys. They never raise their eyes from the ledger. It’s all dollars and cents to them. They are least likely to invest in WFP or buy new equipment. Rarely do they have the vision to see the savings in labor or productivity new technology can bring. I would categorize them as science guys as well.
There’s no right or wrong kind of leader. At the end of the day, a company owner has to be what he is. His leadership style must match his personality. And the makeup of the crew he employs is a factor as well. Some window cleaners respond to strong, direct leadership. Some like to be given their assignment and be left alone to complete their task.
I’d like to think I was a good leader. I trained, equipped, and led an excellent crew for difficult and dangerous jobs. I did all I could to make their lives easier. I helped them load the trucks in the morning. I often showed up at the job site and worked alongside them. I led by example. I believe if you asked my employees if I was a good boss, they would tell you I was better than a good boss. I was a good window cleaner.
Matt Johnson
Blue Sky WC, INC
St. Louis, MO
I first learned window cleaning forty plus years ago. I’ve been doing it ever since. I’m seventy and still window cleaning. It’s great income to supplement social security giving me a good standard of living when older. My feeling is I’ll probably window clean until I pass.
That is Amazing JOE! Keep Rocking and Rolling. Window Cleaner 4 Life!