What’s up gang? This month for ask T squeegee I’ve decided instead of answering your questions I’d provide a little inspiration for the year to come.

Credit: Ronnie Hagert
These last few years have been difficult for some and profitable for others. Trying for some and business as usual for others. And if you ask me what this is all about… Every situation, personal or business, in your control or out of your control, is all about how you deal with it. Do you throw in the towel? Or do you cover up, tuck your chin, and roll with the punches? When all of this started I took a heavy hit in the commercial end of my business. I could have thrown in the towel but I tucked my chin and rolled with the punches and refocused my effort into the residential side of my business. Which with the redoubled efforts I didn’t even notice the loss of the commercial accounts due to Covid restrictions. That led to a very profitable season for me and this year’s record numbers in residential work. That coupled with things opening back up and gaining back 90% of my commercial accounts my business is in a good place now.
There are a lot of ebbs and flows in this industry and if you don’t think quickly on your feet and shift gears it can get the best of you. It’s relatively easy to become complacent and numb to things when working for yourself. Not everyone is a self-starter. A lot of people can become unmotivated and easily defeated. I say don’t do it. Don’t allow things to take control of your situation, get in there and do the work push forward. If the window jobs become few and far, between go clean some gutters or go pressure wash some concrete. Evolve, adapt, and ultimately overcome. I’ve watched my peers do just that, adapt and overcome, and be the better for it.
There are multiple revenue streams in our industries: gutter cleaning, window cleaning, screen repair, soft washing, and pressure washing. Try and add a service in 2022. Take a class and learn another revenue stream for your business. Try something new and expand your horizons. Make the best lemonade out of the bushel of lemons we’ve all been given. Bored at work? Try a new tool try and new technique or give a different brand a try. Reach out to your peers for inspiration or even to bounce ideas or frustrations off of. You’d be surprised by how much of what you’re going through, they are too. This is a great community of, mostly not toxic, people that are willing to give advice or even lend a hand. I’ve seen some of the most generosity in my life within this community and being a part of it is very fulfilling if you allow it to be. There are countless resources at your fingertips, whether they are on YouTube, on social media, or in this magazine you’re reading now. What I’m getting at is there are no excuses, just solutions, to any problem you may have been facing these last couple of years. Take advantage; I mean why not? That’s what it’s there for! I’Il leave you all with this.
I hope 2022 is the best year ever for all of us. I hope the jobs come by the truckload.
The money is stacked too high to count and the soap bottle doesn’t have a bottom. I wish you all the best of luck and health and continued profitability. So here’s to 2021 and an even better 2022! Happy holidays and Happy New Year to you all! If you’d like to ask a question and have it answered here send an email to [email protected] and I will answer it right here in print for all eternity. I’d like to thank the staff here at American Window Cleaner Magazine for allowing me the platform to speak to each one of you every month. It’s a great honor and a fulfillment of a dream I’ve had since I was a young man to write and speak to a large audience about my ideas and thoughts. This has been a gift beyond measure, and for that, I am truly grateful as I am to all of you that take the time to read this column and watch my videos and listen to our podcasts. It’s truly been a humbling experience and I appreciate every one of you. Best wishes and plentiful dirty windows to you all.
-T Squeegee