Retention Strategies That Will Fuel Growth in 2024

 Retention Strategies That Will Fuel Growth in 2024

       Hello again. Jim DuBois here with a different way to look at your marketing that many don’t talk about – or just don’t know to talk about it.  As an entrepreneur, I like to be in the middle of the action – not in a boardroom, but in the ‘weeds’ of my business....
Starting a small business?

Starting a small business?

Should I start a small business…? By Matt Johnson Blue Sky Window Cleaning Inc – [email protected] I recently wrote an article about small businesses.  As I finished it, an article about how to actually start one might be useful.  And as I...
5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Customer Service Hey everyone. Jim DuBois here again with another article to get you thinking…. about YOUR CUSTOMERS and how to improve your customer service. You can’t run a window cleaning or pressure washing service without...
Help Wanted! When Helping Yourself Means Hiring Help!

Help Wanted! When Helping Yourself Means Hiring Help!

Are you new to the entrepreneurial game or maybe a seasoned solo-preneur for the last decade? Either way, there comes a time when your business growth starts to outpace your humble “one man and a van” setup. To scale up, you need to find yourself a sidekick. Yes,...
Getting last-minute Jobs DONE – Jersey

Getting last-minute Jobs DONE – Jersey

It never fails; some people will always wait until the last minute to get a service done, no matter what advertising you use.  And those people are always angry when you say, “Of course, I can’t get you done tomorrow.”  But is there an easy way to get jobs done that...