Choosing The Right Tools For You

Choosing The Right Tools For You

I’m going to get right into it: If you ask fifty different window cleaners what tools they like most, you’ll likely get fifty different answers. Many of us are as loyal to our brands of tools as we are to our sports teams and will defend the former with just as much...
When To Tell a Customer No

When To Tell a Customer No

The ideology that the customer is always right has been a long-standing slogan in the service industry. In the last several years, however, this has changed to a more reasonable slogan: ‘ The customer isn’t always right, but is still the customer.’ The question...
Business Growth: Is Your Business an Instrument or an Asset?

Business Growth: Is Your Business an Instrument or an Asset?

One of the biggest quandaries that business owners have is about growth: We all want it, but how much is right for us? There is no “one size fits all” answer to that question. We all have different goals and things that are most important to us. The type of growth...
Focusing on What You Can Control – Gabe’s Corner

Focusing on What You Can Control – Gabe’s Corner

“The only real difference between one organization and another is the performance of its people.” – Peter F. Drucker As a business owner, it’s easy to feel like so many things are out of your control. Economic trends, supply issues, and...
Focusing on What You Can Control – Gabe’s Corner

Good vs. GREAT

Good Vs. Great…And how you can be great! Owning a window cleaning business is complicated sometimes.  I mean, running ANY small business is.  What do you think the difference is between a really awesome window cleaning company and a so-so one?  We’ve all met business...
Are Your Social Media Posts Promoting Safety?

Are Your Social Media Posts Promoting Safety?

In the social media age that we live in, being active across multiple social media platforms is a must to promote our businesses! However, have you ever thought about the negative side effects of what you post? What do you see below? Do you see a person hard at work,...