Being an Underdog


    You most likely will be an underdog in your area when you are first starting out. Now, there is nothing wrong with being the underdog, but looking through the wrong lens can make you feel like it is a disadvantage. Assessing your market and competition will be an advantage in this situation. This allows you to find your niche and where you fit in. 


Competition isn’t always a bad thing. It allows you to set yourself apart from the pack. Knowing what your competitors’ offers and prices are like can help you gain in areas they cannot. Don’t look at it as you have to one-up them; everyone has their own ways- you just have to find your best way in order for you to gain traction as the underdog. Maybe the competitors in your area have grown stagnant and are still stuck in their old ways. Maybe they don’t offer add-ons. Maybe they have employment issues. You have to find what you can offer that they can’t or don’t. 


Competition in my area will give flat rate estimates that do not have add-on services. Knowing this has helped me understand there is an opportunity to show customers a breakdown of the window cleaning, as well as the add-on services. This opens the door to capturing clients who are more budget conscious, versus the clients who are more quality conscious. Add-ons for me include track cleaning/detailing and screen cleaning. If you offer the different levels, they see that they don’t have to just pay a flat rate. This is especially helpful for those clients who will be repeat customers. I have customers who are more budget-orientated, who like that they don’t always have to have tracks cleaned or always have screens cleaned. Some houses in my area don’t have screens at all, so how can we charge the same flat rate as someone with screens? This gives your customer choices and, for you, the underdog- the advantage! We also offer other service lines such as gutter cleaning or house washing. By offering multiple services you can build the price of your ticket larger at one location. A one-stop shop for the customer, if you will. As an underdog, this helped incent

ivize our customers for bundle discounts, and eliminate scheduling issues. No more waiting for another company to show up for a house wash so you can come clean the windows. 

Being new to the scene, you have an advantage in browsing the latest and greatest products/equipment. You will most likely take the time to research what will get you the best bang for your buck on what equipment you’ll be using on the daily.

We all know squeegees and mops can be basic until you find yourself looking at the WCR website and seeing all the options. Take advantage of Facebook groups such as Pro Window Cleaning and podcasts such as WCR Nation with Jersey. I can almost guarantee that your competition is not taking advantage of these resources. There is so much knowledge at your fingertips these days that will help you go a long way.

Starting out, you may find yourself working by yourself or with a small crew. Look at this as a way to sell your business to the customers at a personal level. Having that connection with a customer often will build a working relationship and keep them returning.  Having a small crew also eliminates employment issues that many larger companies may face. Having a trusted reputation for showing up and getting the job done when it is scheduled is a huge advantage for the underdog. 



Being the underdog, you will find your grit.

You quickly learn you have to figure out what sets you apart from the rest in order for you to come out on top. Without looking at your market and competition, you will find it much harder to do so. We all have to start somewhere and just because you may be the underdog now doesn’t mean you won’t end up the top dog in your area.



Matt Fadden 

Shine Pro