Clean Windows, Clear Minds: Polishing your Mental Health



Window washers of the world, I will not be the first to tell you that we live in some wild, wild times. Everything we need or want is always at our fingertips. Instant Gratification oftentimes comes with everything being so accessible. We tend to consume too much of everything. Consuming in excess, plus family responsibilities and business responsibilities, add in stresses of society and life’s roller coasters, can often wreak havoc on your Mental Health. 

How often do you take time to consider your own mental health? Mental health challenges manifest in many forms, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and manic episodes, as well as addictions to alcohol, drugs, overeating, and gambling. Tragically, when left untreated or unaddressed, these issues can lead to severe consequences, including suicide.

In August, I attended the Huge Convention in Nashville with the goal of interviewing attendees about the impact of addiction or mental health challenges on themselves or their loved ones. The responses I received reaffirmed the significance of these issues, echoing what I had already come to understand.


I realized two things!

Number one: I wasn’t alone.

Number two? Our industry could use some help…


My name is Jason Gulick. As the Owner operator of Streakfree Az, I am also a husband, father of 3 – chauffeur to a kid who plays travel soccer, a mentee for the last year, and, oh yeah, also a recovering alcoholic with over 5 years now with no drink living the high life of sobriety! 

Sometimes, at the end of the day or week, I am just spent. Physically and mentally, and even emotionally, yeah, I said it. That’s when the phone starts to ring or text starts coming in. All of the sudden, when I thought I was finally gonna get a second to myself, I have to start thinking about scheduling, getting kids fed and to practice, and wait, did I even eat today? You all get it, I hope. I’m not the only one, right? Sound Familiar?

I know I am not, and I am here to talk about all sorts of life’s “problems” and “issues.” 

Earlier, I wrote about how much we consume and consume in excess. Over time, I have come to this realization. I can not continue to consume in excess without unloading or communicating about some of what I have consumed. 

As I’m currently writing this we as a nation are about to vote on a President. Right now, I am consuming non-stop negative ads for the whichever person that is voted President. All that negativity thrown in my life, plus my own life’s roller coaster, could be a disaster for a guy like me, but I have found positive outlets. I have people to talk to, people to communicate with, on a personal level.


Communication with others has been a key for me to help maintain my mental health.


When I first stopped drinking, I needed to start my day with a meeting. I needed to listen to others let me know I was ok, that I wasn’t alone. I needed a place to voice what I was going through, my emotions, and my feelings as a sober person for the first time. 

I also needed medication, for sleep and anxiety-stress. Lemme tell ya, I was never one for medication, but it helped me adjust to life. You need to find what works for YOU! I know I am putting myself out there sharing my story, but I feel the need to be authentic in an industry that makes us all out to be superheroes. So take it for what it is! 

Now, with a bit of sobriety time under my belt,  I don’t attend or chair meetings daily like I used to. I do make sure I get a chance to talk to people, lots of people. More importantly I try to show up as my true self so that those clients, customers, heck, even friends see that they too can be their true selves.  I try to to open up when I am ready or when I am asked to. I’ve also found that when I’m willing to share with others, they often want to share right back. Many times, just chit-chatting with my clients is usually cathartic for me and them as well. Life can be stressful; that’s one thing that won’t change for most of us. One thing we can change is our habits and how we communicate with people. Do you talk with your clients, your crew, your peers? One thing I do now that I don’t do meet in person is try to start my day with my faith. Get a  few scriptures in that help me focus for the day. It truly helps set me up for a great day and motivates me to live a life of meaning and purpose, which leads me to my next practice! 

Spreading positive vibes and good vibes. An easy way to communicate with others? Positively and be in a good mood! Who would have thought it? Everyone likes a little humor and sarcasm, but no one enjoys standing in line next to a jerk. Definitely treat people how you want to be treated and that will come back to you tenfold! Especially while breaking the ice with new clients. If you can’t find someone spreading kindness, be that person. Gratitude really does make a huge impact on your mental health! Go to even more extraordinary lengths to be pleasant when describing your services, and when collecting payments. It helps your business grow – TRUST ME!

Obviously the world we live in isn’t rainbows and sunshiny days, but positive outlooks and conversations tend to make the days better. 

Back to the mental health question – When was the last time you thought about your mental health? Maybe you should sit down and ask yourself these questions as we wrap up the end of the year. 

Do you make time for yourself? Do you talk to a professional or anyone about what is going on in your life or business, or you got this on your own? What practices do you want to learn in 2025 to put your mental health as a priority?


I tried for many, many years trying to do things on my own. After years of talking with others and learning from people both personally and professionally, my life seemed to have some purpose. I’m not quite sure that my life would be the same if I didn’t communicate clearly when I needed help, or let others know that I was here for them when they needed me. Pretending to be something you’re not only causes more chaos. Own up to where you lack. Remember, we’re not meant to do it all, be it all or know it all… yes, even in the window cleaning industry! 

If you’re the type of person who is more introverted and, chit-chatting is not your thing. No fret; there are plenty of apps to help focus on mental health and clarity. 

I have not tried any personally, but I hear cool things about Calm and Mindshift. Headspace offers daily meditations and even coaching if you need it. And no, I am not an affiliate! They have even more apps out there, and, oh! is a great resource.


The last thing I can say has definitely helped me. Time off and time alone! Recharge your batteries from time to time. Solitude is good for the mind, body, and soul. Even for this extrovert! Do it more and do it often.  I shoot for that daily morning alone time and surely weekends with the fam. It’s a hard line to balance alone time and time with people, but once you learn new practices, it becomes easier to listen to your body.

Communication + Clarity can lead to a positive mental health life. 

Thanks for reading and cheers to a new year with new possibilities!



If you or a loved one is having or having thoughts of suicide can help point those in need in some direction. If you ever feel life’s stresses are getting ya down, or you’d like to talk shop, you can always call me too!

Jason Gulick 


[email protected]