My wife Nicole and I started cleaning windows in 2012 out of her Hyundai Elantra hatchback. We had a fold-up Werner ladder and some basic tools. I quickly learned that Home Depot tools wouldn’t cut it and kept searching for the best products.

I was intrigued by water-fed poles (WFP) and knew that would be key to growing our business. WCR helped a lot with that! I also started doing more pressure washing and added that service to our name. 

We got a Ford Transit Connect in 2014, which did a good job holding all our gear. It was also a nice billboard. It did get a little crowded, so we dedicated it to window cleaning and got a Tundra to hold the pressure washing equipment. 

It was a little inconvenient having two different trucks for each service. My goal was to eventually combine everything and use one water tank for a pressure washer and WFP. 

Having a good crew, in addition to trucks, has been our key to success. We make sure to take very good care of our crew. A few guys started as college students and stayed on after graduating. Most of our crew had been friends for a while, so good chemistry was already built in. 

Our employee, Peter Ingalls, became a partner and had a lot of previous experience with multiple cleaning companies. He did a great job bringing on fellow cleaners and training others. He also helped set up our newest service trucks with a pressure washer and WFP combo. 

The water pump from WCR is housed in a side compartment and allows us to supply our Xero pure system from the 100-gallon water tank. We can turn a valve to plug into a water spigot instead of using the tank. In addition to supplying our pressure washer and WFP, the water tank also supplies the soft wash system using a pump and proportioner in another compartment. 

Your best investment is yourself, your crew, and good equipment that makes it easy on you. 

David Rodriguez- San Marcos Window and Pressure Washing