… In 5 Steps

The difference between big, successful, profitable, growing companies and small, struggling, unprofitable, stagnant companies is: systems.

What if I told you that there was a strategy that most businesses are overlooking right now but which could have a profound effect on any business that implements it… by increasing revenue, decreasing expenses, making life so much easier for us, the business owner… oh, and it doesn’t cost a penny.

The secret is: systems. Not just software systems but a step-by-step process — perhaps a checklist, a habit, or a procedure.

Want to know what makes many McDonald’s Restaurants so successful? It’s their system. They have a step-by-step plan for everything in their store, from when they turn the lights on in the morning to when they lock the doors and leave at night.

Those wanting to grow their business could invest more in marketing and lead generation or fancier equipment for their techs, but you’ll be able to squeeze out so much more success from what you already have when you build systems for your company.

  • Systems help your team work faster
  • Systems help your team work consistently
  • Systems help your team work with fewer errors
  • Systems help your team know when things are going well or not going well

No matter where your business is now, how you want to grow, and what problems you’re facing today, a system is the no-cost, simple-to-implement strategy to fix and grow your company.

The Qualities of a Great System

A great system is any system that is pre-planned, consistently performed, and regularly reviewed.

Pre-planned: A pre-planned system has been intentionally built by design to ensure that all system parts are performed as needed. One of the best ways to figure out what system to build in your company is to look at the problems, frustrations and stresses people face and build systems around them.

Consistently performed: A consistently performed system is one that everyone finds easy to follow and knows when they’ve successfully (or unsuccessfully) completed it. Your system should work just enough to address the problem but not be so challenging and bureaucratic that people can’t do it properly.

Regularly reviewed: Your system should be regularly reviewed to ensure that people follow it and that it continues to be relevant to your company. 

When and How to Build a System

Want to get more done in your company and reduce errors and screw-ups? Build a system.

Step 1. Start by identifying the biggest headache or struggle in your company.

For example, maybe your teams aren’t returning equipment to the warehouse at the end of the day, or they’re not reviewing the dates and amounts when customers write checks.

Step 2. Next, figure out what you want to happen. Write out the steps the way they are supposed to be.

For example, if your team isn’t returning equipment to the warehouse at the end

of the day, write the steps that they are supposed to do (such as “check the truck

for equipment used during the day and return it to the warehouse.”) If your

team isn’t reviewing the dates and amounts on customer checks, write the steps

that they are supposed to do (such as “check the date, check the amount, check the

‘pay to’ line, and ensure the check is signed”).

Step 3. Then, build the steps so that the actions you want them to take are clear and obvious.

…making it so they can’t move forward until they have completed the steps they were supposed to do. Create a warehouse check-out/check-in form for the missing equipment that your warehouse team must sign off on when your tech submits the paperwork. For the sloppy check reviews, create a checklist of the parts of the check they must review, and the tech must initial each checklist box as they complete that step of reviewing the check.

Step 4. Implement the system by introducing the system to your team and telling them why it is being implemented.

Help your team understand why it needs to be done (and, better yet, show them how complying with the system is in their best interest).

Step 5. Regularly review the system to make sure it is still working.

Tweak it slightly if it has yet to solve the situation entirely or if changes in your company remove the need for the system.

Building systems are simple, and the very best place to start is to build systems for the most pressing problems in your company.

Want to take your company to the next level? Encourage all leaders and managers to identify the top problems in their departments and create systems to solve them. Make this a regular practice in your company. And whenever you feel stressed or frustrated about a problem in your company, stop worrying and ask yourself: “How can I build a system that will solve this?”


The difference between an okay company and a successful one is systems. The more systems a company has, the faster and more efficiently (and profitably) it will run. Start building systems in your company now and see how much more successful you can be. Think Apple, Amazon, or the large electrical HVAC company you see on TV. Systems have allowed them to grow successfully!

In my company, we follow what I call a Systems Blueprint. And this has been the magic that has taken my company to a Stage 4 Operation – auto-pilot, multi-million-dollar operation. The proof is in the pudding.

Your mission is to create a systems blueprint for your company. Schedule a call with me, and I will walk you through the 7 Systems my company uses and how to integrate them into your business.

Feel free to schedule a call with me here: Calendly.com/JimDuBois

…and while you’re at it:

Get My Free 21 Page Window Cleaning Business Action Guide Now! Go to FreeBusinessBuildingReport.com Jim DuBois is the founder of Squeegee Pros, Inc. out of Mooresville, NC, and creator of WindowCleaningBusinessCoach.com. Visit the site for my latest book, “How To Build a Dream Window Cleaning Business in Record Time.” Have questions about this article? Schedule a call with me above.