Reawaken Your Motivation: How To Thrive Today For Tomorrow

By: Gabe Salinas – Window Ninjas 


Recall the early days of your window cleaning venture. The thrill of a new business, the dreams of pristine windows, and the allure of profits were all you could think about. Your eyes sparkled with the promise of clear views and growing bank balances. However, like any thrilling journey, there are bound to be bumps along the road. Suddenly, the initial burst of enthusiasm starts to wane.

Especially when business encounters challenges or falls into a predictable routine – think of those winter months when work might slow down – it’s tempting to let your dedication slide.

So, how can you reignite that initial passion and maintain a laser-focused mindset? The answer lies in the wisdom of every successful window-cleaning entrepreneur: valuing the journey as much as the destination!


Set Goals That Are Extraordinary as Opposed to Average and Ordinary! 

Often, people tend to set goals that are easily achievable. Surprising, isn’t it? But why settle for the easy wins? As a window cleaning master, you’re aiming to conquer the highest skyscrapers, not just clean ground-level windows. This is akin to scaling mountains, not merely strolling up a hill.

Large goals are within reach, but they require strategic planning and setting milestones. Even if the weather outside is frosty and life seems to be in slow motion, your business shouldn’t be. As an entrepreneur, you need to master both your squeegee and your mindset.

Think about what actions you can take this month that will yield results in the next. Consider the initiatives you started in the fall that will bear fruit in the winter months. Will these initiatives continue to thrive as the temperature rises and customer calls increase?

Remember, achieving small goals is just that – small victories. The real satisfaction comes from accomplishing grand, ambitious goals.

Sure, celebrating small victories on your path to your big goal is important. Consider them as stepping stones propelling you closer toward your ultimate target, fueling your motivation to overcome even more significant challenges.

Winter can be a challenging period for all of us in the window cleaning profession. But how are you going to face these obstacles – with a grimace or with unyielding determination, as if they’re hardly there at all?

Change Your Mindset To Positive Thinking


Your attitude can make all the difference, especially in the window cleaning business. Now, ask yourself this: would you prefer to navigate your business through challenging times with a pessimistic perspective, or steer confidently with a smile, filled with hope? The answer is as clear as a perfectly cleaned window, isn’t it?

The significance of a positive attitude isn’t just a tired cliché; it’s a scientifically validated truth! Prestigious institutions like Mayo Clinic have discovered that staying positive not only enhances your mood, but it also strengthens your immune system, improves your ability to cope with stress, and can even reduce depression rates. So, a dose of optimism could be your prescription for success!

Take some time now to assess your mindset. Are you projecting positivity in your actions and interactions? Here’s a challenge for you: eliminate all negative self-talk from your daily discussions. Replace pessimistic thoughts with optimistic ones, and see how your mindset can manifest the results you’ve been dreaming of!

Remember, diamonds are created under high pressure, yet they sparkle brilliantly in all conditions. Continue to shine brightly, fellow optimists!

Final Thoughts…

Even the most powerful rivers experience periods of calm. Similarly, every business, regardless of its success, goes through phases of slow or no growth. But these seemingly quiet stages are not obstacles; they are hidden opportunities waiting to be unearthed.

Consider these moments as your behind-the-scenes time, your chance to prepare for the next scene in your entrepreneurial journey. Be ready for these tranquil periods and utilize them to boost your productivity. Plan, innovate, and get ready so that when the momentum shifts, you can ride the wave with renewed energy.

Indeed, it’s during these peaceful intervals that the most valuable pearls of wisdom and insight emerge. So, welcome these phases, navigate through the challenges, and bounce back stronger.

Remember, every sunrise follows a sunset. The same applies to your business. After each slow phase, there’s a growth spurt just waiting to happen. So, keep your morale high, your vision sharp, and your determination steadfast. You’re on an exciting window-cleaning adventure, and each step, whether uphill or downhill, brings you closer to your goal.



Keep going, dear window-cleaning entrepreneur!

Your success story is just a swipe of the squeegee away!