Ladder Talk

Ladder Talk

Having been involved in window cleaning for so long, a lot of the work can become routine. Fill the bucket, assemble the tools, cut the rubbers, tie off the ladders and you’re ready to go!  I remember a day of gutter cleaning a few years back with one of my top...
Getting Ready For Growth

Getting Ready For Growth

It’s an exciting time as we approach the Spring season. Hi, it’s Jim DuBois with, with another article designed to move the needle in your business a little bit more. This month, we’re talking about creating a solid business foundation to...
Determine Where You Want to Go Next

Determine Where You Want to Go Next

Determine Where You Want to Go Next (…by developing a strong business strategy) Today’s article will take a deep dive into taking a different view of your business. Are you familiar with the acronym SWOT? A SWOT analysis is an absolute must for every business...