In Marketing They Say: Test, Test, Test

In Marketing They Say: Test, Test, Test

Hello. Jim DuBois here again from The year is already halfway over. How does that happen so fast? We were entering a pandemic, and now as we depart from one, unfortunately, business owners enter into another. Pandemic 2: trying to find...
What Style of Print Ads Work?

What Style of Print Ads Work?

Continuing from last month’s article “Do Your Marketing Pieces Win or Lose?,” I’m going to go a little deeper into the psychology of making your print ads work. This is stuff my team at Window Washing Wealth™ work on all of the time. And is one reason why we win the...
Creating Fans, Not Customers

Creating Fans, Not Customers

When you start in this industry, many things usually come to mind. What equipment do I need? How do I tackle pricing? Should I file as an LLC or S corporation? Customers are the last thing we ever think of, well we think of many ways of advertising to land the job and...
How To “Really” Get The Phones Ringing

How To “Really” Get The Phones Ringing

Hello. Jim DuBois here with Last month I gave you four steps to creating a business-building strategy for collecting and maximizing referral generation. This month we’re switching gears to get the phone ringing with virtually NO COST...
Keeping Up With the Joneses

Keeping Up With the Joneses

In business there are a lot of different ways that you can advertise. The point of advertising is just getting peoples attention. Certain things will trigger a response more or less than others.   But there’s one thing that everybody wants to do. And it is doing...