Pro or No?

Pro or No?

OK so everybody online always has to have a measuring contest right? Whose company is the biggest, how many employees do they have, how many hundreds of dollars do they make an hour. But it’s all just that, a measuring contest. But being big, or small isn’t that big...
Getting Ready for Spring…

Getting Ready for Spring…

Assuming you are like me, sitting at your desk, maybe staring out the window at the stark, cold tight winter days that find a passionate and professional window cleaner a bit too fidgety, Maybe you are just ready to get back out there and enjoy the flow of your work...
Saying No is Saying Yes

Saying No is Saying Yes

While many of the window cleaners in the country are closing shop and hunkering down for the Winter, the squeegee slingers in the Southern half of the US are smack in the middle of their busy season. Regardless of when in the year you find yourself running on all...
Two Sides To Your Business

Two Sides To Your Business

2020 has been an unprecedented year with its incredible challenges. We are in bleak times right now according to the headlines, the news media, and social media as we enter 2021. The Corona Virus is impacting every business in one way or another – mostly negatively. ...
Number Porn

Number Porn

Every business out there is constantly collecting data. Whether you are a new, one man operation with paper receipts or a well established company using every available metric in your fancy CRM, everything boils down to math.  There are 3 types of companies, grouped...