Leadership… Art, Or Science?

Leadership… Art, Or Science?

For some, leadership is an art, for some a science.  For natural-born leaders, it is an art form.  It just comes to them, like being a good musician or baseball player.  For others, it is a science that requires study and training.  They have to grow into it. There...
Window Cleaning Myths

Window Cleaning Myths

The general public has little knowledge of what we actually do and how we do it.  That is why window cleaners stop and talk when they see each other on the street.  They know things the rest of the world doesn’t know. My favorite myth is that Windex actually gets...
Time Management for Window Cleaners

Time Management for Window Cleaners

If you are a window cleaner, time management is of major importance.  This goes for window cleaners just starting out cleaning windows part-time and continuing to work full-time or who have recently transitioned from part-time side hustlers to full-time entrepreneurs...
How to Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happier

How to Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happier

Employee Efficiency You already know that your employees are one of the biggest keys to your success. The right employees can effectively sell and market your services, problem solve and bring a wealth of new ideas to the table. No doubt you’ve worked hard to...