In Marketing They Say: Test, Test, Test

In Marketing They Say: Test, Test, Test

Hello. Jim DuBois here again from The year is already halfway over. How does that happen so fast? We were entering a pandemic, and now as we depart from one, unfortunately, business owners enter into another. Pandemic 2: trying to find...
The ABCs of Recruiting

The ABCs of Recruiting

As we are in the midst of what I like to call “the summer lull”, I’ve found it very important to not get lulled to sleep and lose sight of capacity and demand. We know the demand will come in the fall, and at Blue Skies we’ve learned the hard way that if we rest on...
Employee Trap

Employee Trap

We’ve all seen it and probably experienced it. Any time someone poses the question “What is your biggest challenge in business” almost every response is “GETTING GOOD EMPLOYEES!”  Finding good employees is hard. It’s just a fact. On top of the fact that it’s hard to...
What Are You Worth?

What Are You Worth?

Here’s an interesting question that most of us have not actually thought of. I mean, we’ve thought of how much we should charge, but we’ve never really thought of our worth. And there’s a lot of things that go into it. A lot of things that add to what we’re worth....
What is Your Superpower?

What is Your Superpower?

I think one of the coolest things I get to do in this industry is meeting other amazing window cleaners. Whether communicating with them directly or following them on social media, I learn so much by observing what they do best.  Often, after meeting a new person I...