How much is too much? – Mike R.

How much is too much? – Mike R.

How Much Is Too Much? As a solo window cleaner just starting, we are trying to get as much work as possible and get jobs on the schedule. This is your first test as a business owner. The second test is learning where to draw the line about what services you offer. We...
What to Do When Your Business Feels “Stuck”

What to Do When Your Business Feels “Stuck”

Gabe’s Corner – What to Do When Your Business Feels “Stuck” Few people are as loathed to change as business owners. We like control. We want to know what to do, how to do it, and when is the best time to do it. So, when the regular ways aren’t working, it’s not...
 Retention Strategies That Will Fuel Growth in 2024

 Retention Strategies That Will Fuel Growth in 2024

       Hello again. Jim DuBois here with a different way to look at your marketing that many don’t talk about – or just don’t know to talk about it.  As an entrepreneur, I like to be in the middle of the action – not in a boardroom, but in the ‘weeds’ of my business....
Should You Pay Yourself First?  

Should You Pay Yourself First?  

Should You Pay Yourself First?   By: Jim DuBois Hey, everyone. Jim DuBois here again with another article to get you thinking…. about YOUR pay and how it works or should work. It’s a conundrum almost every window cleaner owner faces, especially when starting a...