How much is too much? – Mike R.

How much is too much? – Mike R.

How Much Is Too Much? As a solo window cleaner just starting, we are trying to get as much work as possible and get jobs on the schedule. This is your first test as a business owner. The second test is learning where to draw the line about what services you offer. We...
Be Ready For The Boom

Be Ready For The Boom

Oh, hey, it’s everyone’s favorite topic, “the busy season” can you smell the money and sweat in the air? You know, I have never really understood how every year we have a slow season and a busy season, yet we are never ready for either. We always expect the busy...
Getting Ready for Spring…

Getting Ready for Spring…

Assuming you are like me, sitting at your desk, maybe staring out the window at the stark, cold tight winter days that find a passionate and professional window cleaner a bit too fidgety, Maybe you are just ready to get back out there and enjoy the flow of your work...
Number Porn

Number Porn

Every business out there is constantly collecting data. Whether you are a new, one man operation with paper receipts or a well established company using every available metric in your fancy CRM, everything boils down to math.  There are 3 types of companies, grouped...