What to Do When Your Business Feels “Stuck”

What to Do When Your Business Feels “Stuck”

Gabe’s Corner – What to Do When Your Business Feels “Stuck” Few people are as loathed to change as business owners. We like control. We want to know what to do, how to do it, and when is the best time to do it. So, when the regular ways aren’t working, it’s not...
 Retention Strategies That Will Fuel Growth in 2024

 Retention Strategies That Will Fuel Growth in 2024

       Hello again. Jim DuBois here with a different way to look at your marketing that many don’t talk about – or just don’t know to talk about it.  As an entrepreneur, I like to be in the middle of the action – not in a boardroom, but in the ‘weeds’ of my business....
Gear guide: Xero screen cleaner

Gear guide: Xero screen cleaner

Xero screen cleaner         We go through life thinking that we know everything there is to know about an industry that we have been part of for years.  And then one day, BOOM, something comes out that you would have never thought of.  Enter a...
Key City Window Cleaning – A Family Tradition

Key City Window Cleaning – A Family Tradition

Key City Window Cleaning – A Family Tradition   Key City Window Cleaning was established in 1923 in Dubuque, Iowa. Joseph B Willis was the first owner, and it quickly grew into a family business from there. Bob Willis (Joe’s son) purchased the...
Business Innovation: What’s Stopping You This Fall?

Business Innovation: What’s Stopping You This Fall?

How To Work Toward Game-Changing Velocity Hey everyone. Jim DuBois here again with another article to get you thinking. Are you an innovator? Your answer could indicate whether your business will be a smashing success or a smashing failure. Innovators know how to...