…..THE OLDEST FORM OF MARKETING Is it still relevant?  With all the technology, social media, and direct marketing tools available to businesses today, it is a good question.  I think it is.  Despite the truly astonishing advances in the informational society we live...

Louis Hey – The Visual Difference

Hi, my name is Louis. My company is Visual Window Cleaning, out of Jefferson City, MO. Our slogan is ‘The Visual Difference.’  I started cleaning in 1991 but had some setbacks. I jumped into my friend’s company, was trained, and did route work at first. Then in 2015,...
Generate A Flood Of Leads, Sales, And Profit

Generate A Flood Of Leads, Sales, And Profit

As a window cleaning business owner, you probably started your company because you were great at your skillset. You love to roll up your sleeves and serve your customers, helping them see crystal clear windows.  But as your business grew, there’s a good chance you...
8 Low to No-Cost Investments To Better Your Business

8 Low to No-Cost Investments To Better Your Business

No matter how great your business is going, you’ll need to continually find ways to improve it.   Whether to offer better services to customers or optimize your processes, you need to invest in your business’ growth to make sure you’re steering it in the right...
How To Advertise?

How To Advertise?

How do you advertise window cleaning? What works, and what doesn’t?   Well, first and foremost, this is different in every area.   Different markets can respond differently, but a few things work across the board. The first issue many companies have is that...