Gear guide: Xero screen cleaner

Gear guide: Xero screen cleaner

Xero screen cleaner         We go through life thinking that we know everything there is to know about an industry that we have been part of for years.  And then one day, BOOM, something comes out that you would have never thought of.  Enter a...
Around The Globe – McRae

Around The Globe – McRae

I kind of fell into window cleaning in 1996. At the time, I was working at a job I hated; it was full-time and in a small office in a high-rise in the city. A friend was selling his window cleaning business and offered it to me with the provision of paying it off. I...
Around The Globe

Around The Globe

Canada   I’m a 26-year-old Ontario-raised small-town kind of guy who enjoys rock climbing and water sports. With a family in vegetable farming, I grew up working on the farms and using heavy machinery. I later went to school for a short time in computer science,...
Around The Globe

Around The Globe

Sweden   Hello, we are a family-run business. If we have bigger jobs like hotels, we work with others companies like ours. We do both commercial and residential work. We are in Malmö South Sweden. In Sweden we have a thing called “rut-avdrag” that allows the...
Around The Globe

Around The Globe

Hi there, I’m George,  I am a window cleaner based in London and surrounding areas such as Sussex and also Surrey. My days of window cleaning were early in my childhood as it was what my father had taken as a profession. As the years have passed, his squeegee was then...