Across the Pond

Across the Pond

I am 59. Based in Haarlem in The Netherlands, that’s near Amsterdam.   When I came out of the Army in 1979  I was a bit wild. A friend offered me a job as a Window Cleaner. I started working with 2 Bad Ass Old School cleaners. In that time the Boab was not even...
Self Limiting Beliefs

Self Limiting Beliefs

In our attempt to build profitable, life changing businesses we often get stuck.   I have spent a lot of time over the last 10 years running my service business trying to figure out where we were falling short. Who was holding up the show? If I could just figure...
Pro or No?

Pro or No?

OK so everybody online always has to have a measuring contest right? Whose company is the biggest, how many employees do they have, how many hundreds of dollars do they make an hour. But it’s all just that, a measuring contest. But being big, or small isn’t that big...
Dutch Touch Window Cleaning

Dutch Touch Window Cleaning

I started window cleaning straight out of high school in which I washed and detailed big rigs at my dad’s work starting at the age of 13. After working for another window cleaning company over the summer we (me and my parents) started our own in August of 1989. Me and...
What Are You Worth?

What Are You Worth?

Here’s an interesting question that most of us have not actually thought of. I mean, we’ve thought of how much we should charge, but we’ve never really thought of our worth. And there’s a lot of things that go into it. A lot of things that add to what we’re worth....