THE WAGTAIL: Circus Trick or Valuable Tool?

THE WAGTAIL: Circus Trick or Valuable Tool?

A close friend of mine came to work for me.  I trained him decades ago at a different company.  On the first day we worked together, I noticed he used a wagtail to do everything.  I’d seen it on YouTube and thought it was interesting but hardly superior to my Sorbo. ...


I may get a lot of hate for this article as water fed seems to be one of the most talked about topics in Facebook groups. Either you love it or hate it; there really isn’t any middle ground. Some people say it doesn’t work, and others say it’s the best...

Trad vs Water Fed

Trad vs. WFP If you have spent more than 10 seconds in a window cleaning forum, you will see the age-old debate: Water-Fed Pole VS. Traditional window cleaning. Both methods have their time and place in the window cleaning industry today. History of the WFP Originally...
Do You Have a Fixed or Growth Mindset?

Do You Have a Fixed or Growth Mindset?

“Be brave enough to be bad at something new.” – Jon Acuff  For all the things that are great about social media, one of the terrible things is how it can stifle or even stunt individual growth. While some people are open to talking about their struggles online,...