5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Customer Service Hey everyone. Jim DuBois here again with another article to get you thinking…. about YOUR CUSTOMERS and how to improve your customer service. You can’t run a window cleaning or pressure washing service without...
Keeping Window Cleaners Safe and Sound

Keeping Window Cleaners Safe and Sound

Keeping Window Cleaners Safe and Sound Every August, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a federal program within the United States Department of Labor, hosts Safe + Sound Week. This week of activity promotes workplace safety and allows...
Help Wanted! When Helping Yourself Means Hiring Help!

Help Wanted! When Helping Yourself Means Hiring Help!

Are you new to the entrepreneurial game or maybe a seasoned solo-preneur for the last decade? Either way, there comes a time when your business growth starts to outpace your humble “one man and a van” setup. To scale up, you need to find yourself a sidekick. Yes,...
THE WAGTAIL: Circus Trick or Valuable Tool?

THE WAGTAIL: Circus Trick or Valuable Tool?

A close friend of mine came to work for me.  I trained him decades ago at a different company.  On the first day we worked together, I noticed he used a wagtail to do everything.  I’d seen it on YouTube and thought it was interesting but hardly superior to my Sorbo. ...