by Editor | May 5, 2023 | Rigs
1. What year did you start window cleaning? In 1970, 17 years old and still in high school. 2. Tell me about your first time cleaning a window. How much did you get paid? What parts do you remember? I worked for Cee Clean Window Cleaning in Detroit, MI,...
by Editor | Apr 26, 2023 | Office
What is the first thing most people think about on day one of starting a business? The very first thing is probably building a business plan and a budget, but after that, most think about getting some equipment to do the jobs. You can’t do any jobs without the...
by Editor | Apr 24, 2023 | Growth
I started my window cleaning business four years ago to earn some extra cash on the side. As I transitioned into full-time, I continued to work as a solo operation. I enjoy putting on my AirPods and getting to work, knowing exactly what I’ll be doing that day...
by Editor | Apr 20, 2023 | Rigs
In 2008 I emigrated to Perth, Australia, from the UK. I am a qualified chef, and in 2015, after over 20 years in the hospitality industry, I felt the need to do something completely different. A friend of a friend, an investment banker, turned window cleaner, was...
by Editor | Apr 19, 2023 | Marketing
I have two younger brothers who are extremely talented. They happen to be twins and have painted aircrafts for the same company since they were young. Recently, they both left that company at nearly the same time. It didn’t happen overnight. They didn’t leave entirely...
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