Matt Fadden – Shine Pro

Matt Fadden – Shine Pro

How cool is it to be asked to write an article for a magazine?! I don’t know many people who can say they have written something about the type of work they do for a magazine. And I never thought it would be me and about window cleaning, yet here I am!  Summer of...
Pure Water Cleaning for High Rise Windows

Pure Water Cleaning for High Rise Windows

6 Reasons to Adopt a Pure Water Clean While many window cleaning professionals understand the benefits of a pure water clean, many have not taken the next step to adopt this high window cleaning technology. For a group of professionals constantly looking for ways to...
When To Tell a Customer No

When To Tell a Customer No

The ideology that the customer is always right has been a long-standing slogan in the service industry. In the last several years, however, this has changed to a more reasonable slogan: ‘ The customer isn’t always right, but is still the customer.’ The question...
Leadership… Art, Or Science?

Leadership… Art, Or Science?

For some, leadership is an art, for some a science.  For natural-born leaders, it is an art form.  It just comes to them, like being a good musician or baseball player.  For others, it is a science that requires study and training.  They have to grow into it. There...
David Rodriguez- San Marcos Window and Pressure Washing

David Rodriguez- San Marcos Window and Pressure Washing

My wife Nicole and I started cleaning windows in 2012 out of her Hyundai Elantra hatchback. We had a fold-up Werner ladder and some basic tools. I quickly learned that Home Depot tools wouldn’t cut it and kept searching for the best products. I was intrigued by...