Where are our noses pointed? – Dan Wagner Window Cleaning

Where are our noses pointed? – Dan Wagner Window Cleaning

I think it’s safe to say that most of us did not originally get into window cleaning for recognition, prestige, or social status. Some of us kind of ‘slid into’ it. Perhaps a friend asked us to work, and we realized after a while the income potential existed if we...
Brian Jungblut – J. Poortvliet

Brian Jungblut – J. Poortvliet

Hi, My name is Brian Jungblut and I represent a family owned cleaning and window cleaning company named J. Poortvliet located in Amsterdam since 1942, the Netherlands. How I started as a window cleaner is not as captivating as the company I have proudly represented...
How much is too much? – Mike R.

How much is too much? – Mike R.

How Much Is Too Much? As a solo window cleaner just starting, we are trying to get as much work as possible and get jobs on the schedule. This is your first test as a business owner. The second test is learning where to draw the line about what services you offer. We...
Gemstone Window Cleaning – Canada

Gemstone Window Cleaning – Canada

How did I get started in window cleaning? For a little over a decade, I had always flirted with the idea of opening a cleaning business of some kind. Seeing that generic office cleaning was an incredibly saturated market, I knew I had to niche down. After watching a...